Friday, January 12, 2018


The current headlines are all screaming about men who sexually harass, molest, assault, and even rape women. Not just any men, but the Hollywood types who are looked up to by millions of followers. At the time of my writing this, five women have come forward to allege that James Franco, filmstar, producer, director had sexually misbehaved with them.
Gold Medal Marathon winner Bruce Jenner topped the headlines when he became Caitlyn Jenner a female.
What lies beneath this current #metoo #timesup trend is unspoken but as this snowball grows larger and larger is becoming painfully obvious.  THEY (the evil zioNAZI powers who manipulate the united states government) want men to become women.
Yes that's correct you read that right. They want us all to lop off our penises and testicles and become vagina carrying females.
"You're crazy! Why would they want to do that!?" 
To control us. To stop us from breeding. 
Vilify men to the point where we begin to challenge our own sexuality.
This is their plan. Hold on tightly to your genitals MEN. The powers that be want them, by hook or by crook. 

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