Saturday, June 22, 2013

The myth of U.S. CONGRESS representing WE THE PEOPLE

NYTimes: Lengthy Battle on Arrest of Ed Snowden

"...Overwhelming majorities in both parties in Congress appear to 

support the prosecution of Mr. Snowden."

"...and the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., 

was forced to admit that his previous statement to Congress that the 

agency did not collect records on millions of Americans was untrue.

So here is what I take from that: 

1. Congress does NOT represent the will of WE the People which is 

a congress person's job to do.

2. Congress supports the NSA, an agency by the admission of its 

own director, James R. Clapper Jr. , spies on WE the People, who, 

again, are the ones who voted these representatives into office.

Unless of course, I am mistaken. Did the members of congress poll 

their constituencies and ask them how they felt about the NSA 

spying on their personal phone calls?

Did congress men and women ask the people whom they were 

elected to represent if they in fact felt that Edward Snowden was a 

criminal who should be  prosecuted for treason?

I tend to think not. And that summarizes one of the biggest things 

that is wrong with our elected representatives today. Whose \

interests are these shills actually reflecting?